Volume VI

The Beatles two-track Playtapes

The first Beatles 2-track Playtapes appeared on the market in 1967 when almost all of the Capitol Beatles album catalog was issued. This short-lived format was an attempt to market a compact portable music system, and was similiar in design (but much smaller) than the then-current 4-track and 8-track tape cartridge formats.

Most of the Playtape releases featured the photo from the Hello Goodbye picture sleeve on a plain white or colored label. Variations included black and blue cartridge shells that were sealed onto different color backing cards. Some releases feature a Beatles label over one from another artist. This was a result of slow-selling releases being recalled and converted into releases by the more popular Beatles.

Because of its length, the "white album" was divided into 5 different volumes when released in this format. Playtapes were a flop and lasted less than 2 years, disappearing from the market in early 1969. Today most Beatles versions of these tapes are somewhat difficult to find, especially sealed. The portable Playtape Music Machines are even harder to find, as most were discarded in the late sixties and early seventies.

The Beatles ("White Album") Vol. 1 of 5

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